


Collection Risk

Magnitude of the Consequence  Occurrence Probability
Collection risk
Data collection from human source (interviews, human video footages)
Data collection from other sources (samples, non-human sounds, images…)
First Usage
Consented first usage
Secondary Usage
Consented secondary usage
Sensitive data (minutiae, biometrics information, genetic information)
Identity data (name, surname, age)
Location data (adress, country)
Association data (Tribe, Group…)
Gender data 

Structure Risk

Magnitude of the Consequence  Occurrence Probability
Structure risk
Right to use data confirmed
Right to use the data authorized/opinioned/notified by competent legal structure
Right to integrate the data in a novel set authorized/opnioned/notified by competent legal structure

Usage Risk

Magnitude of the Consequence  Occurrence Probability
Usage risk
Proprietary data
Open source data
Open access data
Needed data
Not needed data (potential Mission Creep)

Access Risk

Magnitude of the Consequence  Occurrence Probability
Access risk
Data kept electronically
Data kept non-electronically (paper…)
Data kept at one location
Data kept at several location
Data in one set
Data in multiple sets
Data on one machine
Data on several machines
Data on dedicated machine
Data on dedicated machine(s)
Data accessible on-line (lan)
Data accessible on-line (wan)
Data kept plain
Data kept encrypted
Data accessible on-line (lan) - password protected
Data accessible on-line (wan) - password protected

Conservation Risk

Magnitude of the Consequence  Occurrence Probability
Conservation risk
Data kept for the duration of the WP
Data kept for the duration of the project
Data kept for further usage
Data validity checked
Data periodically updated